Bits and pieces of tech and life

This site is intended to be a collection of text and links to resources I find useful or interesting
I work for myself as a general purpose "Tech guy" for a couple of small towns in Australia
This means I apparently know everything which is a filthy lie but leads to unusual jobs
Mostly it's private tuition and turning things off then on again but sometimes weird machines appear

I do most of my work and socialising with people past the age of retirement which is fascinating
People are always happy to share a lifetime of insights, and I'm always happy to listen
When you work with artists, writers, humanitarians and social activists there is so much chance to learn

I hope to include plenty of things that aren't just focused on technology
It can just be hard to take my mind off my work.
Self employment tends to make the line between work and life a bit fuzzy

For the time being I'll just add things as I feel like it with no rhyme or reason
I am also writing this by hand and have been avoiding html since about 2012, but it's nice to be back

  -Lifestuff, Recipes and Thoughts
  -Tech and Work
  -Games, Fun and Entertainment  
  -Creativity and Art
More to add later

Recipes, especially for super easy/cheap cider because $3 per litre? Hell yes.
crumpets, no-knead bread because ow my joints, biscuits, pancakes, etc.
Will link to source where I can but will also mirror because I'm sick of broken links when older sites go down.

Fractal programs I use and maybe (big maybe) some of my creations
Neat utils/software
Maybe some websites or online resources I like or think are useful

Advice? Sounds risky, don't trust it.
Possibly some things I've found helpful for managing ME/CFS that may help others

Maybe some pointers and advice of a piratical nature, but honestly at this point it's all well known

Some security/safety advice for the non-tech-savy could be useful - Things to pass on to family and friends
Include some of the reference handouts I've made for older/beginning computer users.
Symbol glossary, touch interactions for touchscreens etc.